Should some emergency arise while your children are in school, we would take every possible step to insure their safety and to deliver then safely to their homes as soon as conditions permitted. You could assist us greatly in our efforts if you would refrain from calling the school on the telephone as this line would be very important for official instructions to the school authorities.
We love our pets as much as you do yours, and would do all we could for them. However, they would have to be left behind initially if an evacuation should be necessary. If you could make arrangements to leave them with a local inhabitant, this would be by far the best solution. If you could not, we would do our best to provide for them but could not guarantee anything, since our major effort must of necessity be directed toward your safety.
The plans we are discussing apply to American personnel and their dependents only. Many of you have grown very fond of some of your local servants who have been with you for a long time. However,they could not be included in any movement out of the country.
Ifthere is one thing our medics are good at doing, it is taking care of us in times of stress, Emergencies just don't floor them! They know what to do, and you could count on them to provide
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